Part 23: I’d Like to Change Her Money if You Know What I Mean
Chapter 2: I’d Like to Change Her Money if You Know What I Mean
QfG2 Manual posted:
How to be an Advanced Adventurer
What is an Advanced Adventurer?
When an adventurer becomes bored with bravery, fatigued with fighting, or
ho-hummed about heroics, it's time to start thinking upward mobility. You're
in the hero business now, and you can't just rest on your laurels. You must
explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations. A hero
must boldly go where no man (or woman) has gone before - and come back alive.
You! Stranger! You justa in luck. I gotta everything you need right here. You needa souvenirs of Shapier for friends and relatives? I gotta best souvenirs in town.
I wonder if he’s got anything for tourists?
Special today only, I sell you a genuine Made-in-Japan, Glow-in-Dark Turban which says “My father went to Shapier and all he brought me was…”
Well, I—
But maybe you gotta no kids? Then what you want is what I gotta right here—a “Shapier in a Bottle.” You shake it and you see Shapier in a sandstorm. I sell it justa for you for only twice what it worth.
That’s…nice, but what I could really use is a map of the city.
You want a map? I got a map. It even comes with a big “You Are Here” X. I throw in a compass for only 200 centimes.
Do you take northern gold?
Whatta you, crazy? You gotta pay in dinars and centimes before you can buya something. You need to see the moneychanger, maybe.
Well, where is he?
She live at the end of Dinar Tarik.
For the longest time, I thought that finding the moneychanger was this game’s copy protection system, since you need to navigate the maze of twisty passages, all alike streets of Shapier without a map in order to find the moneychanger. After all, a reproduction of the map is provided in the manual, including street names. Then I discovered that getting past the trouble was as simple as typing “ASK ABOUT DIRECTIONS.”
Well, you go north until you see a way to go left, and you take-a the way. Now you go until you see a way to go right, and you take-a thatta way. You go until you can see a way to go right and you go to the right. Then you go until you can go to the right again. Thatsa right way. Go thatta way until you can turn right. Go right until you come to a place where you can go right again. Turn left. Follow the road and you no can miss it.
So in other words, take the first left, then keep taking rights until I get there [
the last “left” is a fast dead end, so you can just turn around].
Thatsa just it. You gotta no trouble.
Sweet, I’ll be right back.
If I had to pick one thing about the remake that AGDI did right, it would be the alleyways of Shapier. What you see here is what they look like in the original. It is also all you will ever see as you walk around between the plazas. Occasionally there is some side traffic and entrances to plazas and other unique areas, but the red doors and torches are generally the only things that break up the monotony.
In contrast, not only can you see the sky in the remake, but also the large landmarks in the distance, which can help you figure out which way you’re facing. They even shrink and grow as you get further and closer to them.
You can also figure out which area you are in based on the landmarks. That broken sign there indicates that Nike is currently in the poor area of the city, which is the southwest.
There is also quite a bit of new stuff in the streets, such as garbage, plants, graffiti, and katta shops that don’t sell anything you want. However, there are also occasional bandit attacks in the streets; I’ll explain why this is a bad thing when I get to the revamped combat system.
I accidentally found this place first when I forgot that the directions were “left, right, right, etc.,” instead thinking that they were “left, right, left, left, etc.” This place is remake-exclusive, by the way.
Hey, what is this place?
What, you need a repair? Just park ‘er outside in the alley, Mac, and we’ll get to it as soon as we can.
Saurus repair? Why would I need saurus repair?
*He gives you a look that could freeze a fire elemental.*
…I think I’ll just be going, then.
So, we have a stranger to our fair land. Welcome, traveler from afar. Come closer, that you might find all that you seek here.
Oh, I could think of a lot of things to seek when you’re around. You wouldn’t be the moneychanger, would you?
Mm, right on his first guess. You can call me Dinarzad. What name would you like to hear on my lips at night?
Finally! The name’s Nike, sweetcheeks. Nike von Slartibartfast.
Your name is music to my ears. So how much of this visit is business, and how much is pleasure?
Well, I’ve got a great big sack of gold that needs emptying, and I heard that this was the place to see it happen.
Ooh, I can’t wait to change your old, worn out foreign money for some nice, new dinars. Just a small 10% exchange fee, and the wealth of Shapier shall open before you.
Sweet. By the way, gorgeous, who’s the stiff?
Oh, him? He’s just there to make sure that all my customers various…things stay where they belong.
*Ulp.* Oh yeah, have you heard any interesting news lately?
I’ve been hearing some depressing news about Rasier. It was once a place where anyone with some brains and skills could make some quick cash. Now that things have changed under the new emir, only those who toady to the authorities can get ahead. Ferrari is an excellent example of that type of person—only too willing to kiss and tell.
“Quick cash?” Hm, I wonder…
*You perform the thief’s sign.*
So you are a Jackal among the goats, then. I am very fond of those of the profession. This could be the start of a beautiful relationship.
Honey, anything you’re involved in will be beautiful.
And a quick tongue, too. Come back tomorrow evening or so if you are interested in doing me a little favor. It could be to our mutual benefit. And do come fully…equipped. No one of your profession should travel without the proper tools and a little oil to make the insertion easier.
You bet I will. But where is the guild headquarters, anyway? This place feels a little…exposed for my taste.
There is no thieves’ guild around here. Certainly, I can satisfy your needs better than any mere guild. Only in Rasier do you need such union scum.
I see. Well, no one’s toes to step on, then. I’ll be sure to show tomorrow, too.
I quiver with anticipation.
If you’re curious, Dinarzad also gives directions out from her street. Simply “ASK ABOUT FOUNTAIN” to be told to make a right at every opportunity (you’ll dead end once, don’t worry about it) and end up at the Fountain Plaza, which is just a straight path north from the Entrance Plaza, the place you started.
Right here is the most important command in the game: “BARGAIN FOR.” A new skill was added to Quest for Glory 2, Communication, and if it’s high enough, the bargain option works, and you stand to see significant amounts knocked off from the price of goods. Each merchant will typically offer the same discount for anything asked; the souvenir merchant here will knock off 50 centimes off of both the map and the compass, letting you buy them for 1 dinar total.
However, the remake uses QfG3’s system, which has you making your own counteroffers to the merchant’s asking price, eventually coming to a compromise. Since the same Communication skill level which allows you to get half off on goods in the original only gets you 12 centimes off in the remake, I have to say I prefer the original, at least in this case.
Hold on, let me see if I gotta one.
Ah, here it is, your very own map. And you be sure to tella me if you need a sand globe.
I’ll do that. Say, I didn’t catch your name before.
Whatta you, stupid? My name is-a
Ali Chica, like onna the sign.